Welcome to our Summer Newsletter


The Sun is finally shining here in London. The European Championships are in full swing, Glastonbury opens its gates next week and Wimbledon begins a few days later. Our long-awaited UK Summer has finally arrived and with it, our second Oriental Art Newsletter of the year.

This edition is full of fascinating articles inspired by our collection of Chinese and Japanese Fine Art and Antiques.

We re-tell two popular Japanese folk-tales, showcase three very special Japanese Meiji-era works of art and offer a virtual look inside the gallery displaying some of our recently added items along with a sneak preview of some of the wonderful works of art that will be introduced to our online gallery in the coming weeks.

We hope you enjoy the read.

Kevin Page Oriental Art




The Turtle and the Crane:

One of our favourite Japanese folk-tales, the Turtle and the Crane is a story of friendship and camaraderie featuring two of the most iconic creatures in Japanese folklore. Click the image below to read our re-telling of this wonderful legend.




The Monkey and the Crab:

Perhaps not quite as wholesome as the Turtle and the Crane, the Monkey and the Crab however teaches valuable lessons around sharing and honesty and is full of typically dark Japanese humour and wonderful characters. Click the below image to enjoy our re-telling of this iconic Japanese fable.



Featured works of art:

Each month we select one item from our collection of Chinese and Japanese Fine Art and Antiques to be showcased on our website and across our social media channels.

It could be a new addition to the gallery or something that we have enjoyed for a while longer, but our featured works are always fascinating examples of fine craftsmanship and brimming with wonderful creatures and characters from Oriental mythology and legend: (Click on any of the below images to take a closer look.)

Back in March we told the legend of Fujiwara no Yasumasa through a brilliant Bronze Okimono by the Miyao Company.



In April, we showcased an exceptional Gold lacquer and Shibayama Wakizashi, one of the finest examples of Japanese Meiji-era craftsmanship that we have ever seen.



And in May, it was “time” to shine the light on a beguiling Bronze clock depicting a troop of mischievous Macaques clambering over a fruit-laden Persimmon tree.




A look inside the gallery:

Each month we add great new pieces to our website and since our Spring Newsletter, we have introduced some characterful Tetsubin, a selection of Satsuma-ware, some majestic Meiji-era Metalware and many more items from our collection of Oriental Art. Click here or on any of the images below to see all the recent arrivals on our website.




Coming Soon…

Every month we introduce fascinating new stock to our website and Social Media channels. Below is a first glimpse of some of the great new pieces that we will be adding in June and July. Contact us for further information or additional images of any of these items.




“What we value”: Our appraisal service


So far this year, we have helped raise hundreds of Pounds for The British Red Cross through our “What we value” initiative.

We regularly receive request to provide valuations and background information on Chinese and Japanese works of art and instead of charging for this service, we simply ask that a small donation is made to our chosen charity, The British Red Cross.

The British Red Cross, as part of the Global Disasters Emergency Committee, carry out incredible and vital work, providing food and water, first aid, shelter, warm clothing, hygiene parcels and much more. You can find out more about this initiative and how to request a valuation by clicking here.




Follow us on Instagram

Join our ever-growing community of over 3,400 Instagram followers for regular updates and fascinating insight from our collection of Chinese and Japanese Fine Art and Antiques. We regularly receive complimentary feedback about our stories and posts and our Instagram feed is a great way to learn about Oriental Art as well as to stay up to date when new pieces are added to our website. You can find us @kevinpageorient



May be of Pinterest

A popular resource for Interior Designers and Collectors worldwide, Pinterest is an image sharing and social media hub designed to help users curate boards inspired by items of interest. You can view and stay up to date with our Pinterest board by clicking here.



We hope you enjoyed our Spring Newsletter. If you missed any of the previous editions, you can read through the online archive on our website by clicking here.

Warm Regards

Kevin Page Oriental Art